Our Community
Santa Cruz Cooperative School (SCCS)
is committed to building a safe, supportive,
and engaging school.
We work diligently to build positive relationships between and among students, teachers and families. SCCS believes that positive relationships are the foundation for learning and that when people respect each other and work collaboratively great things happen. We believe that one of our greatest strengths is our amazing Jaguar community.
Restorative Practices
Santa Cruz Cooperative School is proud to foster
a culture based on Restorative Practices
Restorative Practices are centered around the idea that humans are happier and more productive when persons in positions of authority do things “with” them rather than “to” them or “for” them. Along these lines we believe in building a culture of positive behavior with an asset-based philosophy. We, therefore, have built a system with clear guidelines and a culture built on a positive supporting community. Students are guided to understand their own emotions; how their behavior impacts others and how we can collaboratively solve conflicts. We strive to give students a voice in building this positive community and creating a school culture that is built on support, resilience and empathy.
Social Emotional Learning
In alignment with our mission to maximize student potential, while instilling core values in alliance with a supportive school community,
Santa Cruz Cooperative School believes that Social Emotional Learning is an essential part of education.
We subscribe to The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) notion to develop students who are self-aware, caring, responsible, engaged, and lifelong learners who work together to achieve their goals and create a more inclusive, just, and equitable world. To that end, we are committed to developing systems, structures and services that support the social/emotional well-being of our SCCS community in order to develop principled leaders and lifelong learners. Students are given support and opportunities to develop the skills of empathy and resilience to care for themselves and others.