Technology, motivation & Innovation
At Santa Cruz Cooperative School we are constantly innovating and improving the technological classroom equipment in the different sectors according to our mission “To train leaders ……” using digital tools, in a responsible way according to “critical thinking”. Each classroom has a high-end PC type equipment for teachers in addition to all the other devices and accessories necessary for a good teaching / learning process, integrating technology in both software and hardware according to our curriculum.

Elementary school
At Elementary Scholl we have 21 classrooms all equipped with a teacher's computer, multimedia projector, and document projection cameras that can also be used for distance education.
What's more. We have 4 smart boards Smart brand suitable with the necessary software for teaching and student interaction and in all cases an additional HD webcam for virtual classes and videoconferencing.
We have 2 mobile carts with 30 Mini iPads each for use in any classroom that requests it.
In the primary computer classroom we have 28 PC-type computers, connected to the central network with high-speed internet.

Secondary School
In Secondary School we have a Computer Lab with 28 PC-type computers connected to the main network for High School classes, a similar one for Middle School and a third computer lab with 20 computers only to carry out research and search work.
Like Elementary, the 21 Secondary classrooms have computers for the teacher, multimedia projectors, document cameras and web cams ready for face-to-face and distance education or both.
We also tape 6 smart boards (Smart) in classrooms for classes appropriate to their use.
At Secoindary School we also have a conference room equipped with all the necessary technological devices.

In the library we have 12 “all in one” computers for student use where you can carry out your work and research and print it on a high quality color laser printer.
Internet WIFI
The entire school has structured network cabling through a Fiber Optic ring for the more than 200 desktop computers, including teachers, administrative staff and other maintenance and security personnel.
In addition, regardless of the wired network, we have a global WiFi system supported by HP's Aruba technology with more than 30 internet antennas strategically distributed according to the needs of the different sectors. This WiFi accessibility network for students and teachers is subdivided with navigability restrictions and web access for students.
- Administrator’s Plus® is our local / cloud-based PK-12 student information system that helps educators manage data, maximize student success and communicate with parents and families. This easy-to-use system handles attendance, report cards, schedule building, discipline, billing and much more. Administrator’s Plus is seamlessly integrated with the Plus Portals software, TeacherPlus web gradebook and the ParentPlus web portal, creating a complete, secure online solution for school management.
- Eureka Math is a holistic Prekindergarten through Grade 12 curriculum that carefully sequences mathematical progressions in expertly crafted modules, making math a joy to teach and learn. We provide in-depth professional development, learning materials, and a community of support.
- Plus Portals is a cloud-based application integrated with the KCHS student information system. This application provides access to student class pages where you will be able to see your students’ grades, progress reports, schedules, attendance and discipline records along with teacher contact information.
It also makes available school-wide information such as event dates, school announcements, and resources (forms, handbooks, etc). Please look for the activation email and click on the link to set up your Plus Portals account.
TeacherPlus is an easy-to-use, web-based gradebook designed specifically for schools using Administrator’s Plus. Built with the advanced framework of HTML5 and a responsive design, our gradebook offers cross-browser compatibility without requiring plug-ins. Teachers can access their gradebooks at any time, even from their iPad, and data flows seamlessly between the classroom and central office
The ParentPlus web portal connects parents and students with schools and teachers. As a parent, you can quickly stay informed about what’s happening at the school and your children’s classes — from knowing if the school is closed on a given day to seeing how well your child did on his or her last homework or exam. With features such as E-Locker, uploading homework as a parent or student is a breeze and only a few clicks away.
- Google Classroom enables teachers to create an online classroom area in which they can manage all the documents that their students need. Documents are stored on Google Drive and can be edited in Drive’s apps, such as Google Docs, Sheets, and so on. But what separates Google Classroom from the regular Google Drive experience is the teacher / student interface, which Google designed for the way teachers and students think and work.
- Turnitin is a web tool for teachers that allows you to quickly and easily review and grade student work, while integrating an advanced feature capable of detecting cases of plagiarism.
This is a very useful resource for teachers and educational institutions, since through a comparison process, the platform is in a position to identify the parts that match between the student’s text and the files housed in the extensive Turnitin database. Additionally, the teacher can quickly and easily find the sources of the texts that have not been cited and from which the sections of the copied text come.
On the other hand, the tool works as a system for rating and reviewing assignments, options that facilitate the teacher’s work when evaluating assignments and making recommendations and suggestions to students. - Follett Destiny Library Manager is a complete library management system that can be accessed from anywhere, 24/7, helping to strengthen the crucial bond between the library, the classroom, and home. There is one discovery interface – Follett Destiny Discover – for students to access all your print and digital resources, including eBooks, audiobooks, and interactive books, as well as free and paid subscription databases.
- BrainPOP is a tool that consists of short animated movies, ideal for individual or group use, that allow you to introduce new topics, explain difficult concepts, and review before an exam.
BrainPop is a group of educational websites with over 1,000 short animated films for students ages 6 to 17, along with quizzes and related materials, covering science, social studies, English, math, engineering, and technology. , health, art and music. In addition to for kids and teens, the company offers BrainPop Jr. for younger children ages 4 and 5.
BrainPop is present in several countries worldwide, where it offers videos in local languages designed for students from those countries. BrainPop is available by subscription, but has free content, including a movie of the day, several free movies on each topic, materials for educators, including lesson plans, and an extensive library of educational games called GameUp. It is compatible with Android and iOS. - The TumbleBook Library is an online collection of electronic children’s books accessible through the library’s website. Animation, sound, music and narration are added to existing picture books to produce an electronic book which you can read, or have read to you. The TumbleBook Library also includes chapter books in audio book and e-book formats, multi-cultural topics, foreign language and bilingual books, puzzles, and games.
- Seesaw for Schools is a digital app-based platform that allows students, teachers, and parents or guardians to complete and share classroom work. As the company itself says, Seesaw is a platform for student engagement.
Using the Seesaw app, students can show what they know using various media, from photos and videos to drawings, text, links, and PDFs. This is all on the Seesaw platform, meaning it can be seen and appraised by teachers and even shared with parents and guardians. - PressReader is a digital reading and interaction platform that offers content from more than 6,000 publications. These publications are both newspapers and magazines from more than 120 countries and in more than 60 different languages. At PressReader, they have created and continue to create sustainable business models where publishers can thrive.