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Private American Overseas Day School offering English instruction

MS Our Academic Programs


MS Math

At SCCS we utilize Eureka Math

At SCCS we utilize Eureka Math. Eureka Math is a Common Core aligned curriculum which is a holistic Pre-Kindgergarten through Grade 12 curriculum that carefully sequences mathematical progressions in expertly crafted modules both digitally and physically. These modules are designed with the aim of developing conceptual understanding.

We are committed to applying Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in our classrooms, that research indicates need to be consistent components of every mathematics lesson. They are as follows:

  • Establish mathematics goals to focus learning
  • Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving
  • Use and connect mathematical representations
  • Facilitate meaningful mathematical discourse
  • Pose purposeful questions
  • Build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding
  • Support productive struggle in learning mathematics
  • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking

Students at SCCS are required to complete 5 mathematical courses between 8-12th grade in order to fulfill both the Bolivian and American diploma requirements. This allows students who have shown mathematical readiness to advance to Algebra in 8th grade. Those who do not move into Algebra, will take Pre-Algebra. We use Map testing, ACT, PSAT, SAT, AP testing data to inform and guide our teaching practices. We at SCCS make strides to connect math with literature, art, and other content areas as well as embed daily mathematical practices with real world applications.

We are constantly looking for opportunities to celebrate and get students excited about the study of mathematics. For example, we celebrate and host International Math Story-Telling Day, Pythagorean Theorem Day, Fibonacci Day, Palindrome Day, Pi Day, Math Knowledge Bowl and many more!


MS Physical Education

The Middle School Physical Education

course is designed to help students understand the human body, its needs, and its capacities in relation to movement and physical activity. Through participation in a variety of sports, games and recreational activities the students will incorporate and develop leadership skills, organizational skills, knowledge, sportsmanship, physical conditioning, sport techniques and skills.


MS Band Blurb

Middle school band is a time for instrument exploration

music discovery and learning, and enjoying the performance of music! In middle school band we learn a lot of the techniques of music from notes and rhythms to playing as an ensemble. Middle school band students are split into two groups: 6th grade band and 7th/8th grade band. Students perform four times a year in October, December, March and May!



Middle School Science covers the NGSS from 6th-8th grade

ust like the standards, the courses are divided into Physical Science, Life Science and Earth & Space Science. Students participate in STEM Fairs each year and apply their knowledge through a variety of hands on activities.

6th grade Earth and Space Science is the study of Earth’s history and structure, atmosphere and weather changes, and the water and natural resources available on Earth. This course covers the diversity of Earth’s systems and processes and then goes beyond Earth exploring space and our solar system! The nature of science includes the concept that science can provide explanations about nature, can predict potential consequences of actions, but cannot be used to answer all questions.

7th grade Life Science students are introduced again to the basic principles of the scientific method. The course covers the topic of one of its smallest forms, the cell. Students explore important cellular organelles and their roles in the function of a cell. Students identify and understand cell reproduction and utilize microscopes to identify important cellular structures and characteristics. Experiments utilizing genetic crosses and Punnett squares enhance students’ study of DNA and its role in heredity. Students also survey more complex organisms such as viruses, microorganisms, fungi, plants, and animals. The study of the human body systems is also included in this course.

8th grade Physical Science is the study of Chemistry, Physics and Molecular Biology. This course is designed to introduce the general principles of Physics and Chemistry and to cover topics from matter, life, evolution, energy and motion.


Social Studies

Middle school social studies explores the history and culture of the world

In sixth grade students examine the geography, culture, and history of the Western hemisphere. During seventh grade, students will examine the history, geography, and culture of the Eastern hemisphere. Students during their final year in eighth grade will examine the History of the United States from its founding to the end of the Civil War.


Spanish Program

The 6th to 8th grade Spanish program helps students develop skills

in both written and oral language and critical and comprehensive reading to become fluent and proficient in the language through communicative intentions, textual and linguistic structures through research activities. and production for the training of students.


School Music

Middle School Music provides a worthwhile musical experience for students

regardless of individual skill or talent level. Emphasis is placed on developing appreciation of all types of music through listening, analyzing, evaluating, and composing skills. This course provides instruction in music appreciation, theory, and history. Students will experiment with the different facets of music as they gain musical background.


ES Technology

The purpose of 6th Grade Technology is to utilize Computer Technology Standards of Learning to develop knowledge and skills for 21st Century learners.

    Students will use the basic Google Suite apps to integrate real world skills. Students will also create online presentations and publications. Online collaborative communication, and the use of digital media, will enhance student learning. Digital citizenship is emphasized throughout the course. Touch typing skills are reinforced in a comprehensive manner while also increasing accuracy and speed. From time to time, you will be doing assignments and projects that are not on the computer but in written form.
    During this Pandemic situation, we are having our Technology classes totally Virtual. First-grade students meet the teacher via Zoom classes and turn in their assignments via the Seesaw Application. Where Parents can also monitor their development and communicate with the teacher directly when needed.
    In the technology class, the teacher focus on developing their computer skills for this moment in time, learning how to communicate properly in the virtual environment.
    During this course, as students are at home, they learn how to manage different types of devices and become familiar with the components of that device.
    Students get to manage Zoom, Seesaw independently and important parts of Digital Citizenship through fun activities.
    Coding Lessons were also implemented as requested by them on learning the Computer Language.
    This course contains advanced skills of the Google Suite. The class will be introduced to the basic principles of hardware, software and computer threats. There is a greater focus on creation of individual products and programs. Throughout the course of the year, the students will be required to summarize, discuss and analyze non-traditional examples of technology that they use or read about.