Arts & Athletics
ES Athletics
The SCCS Athletics
objective is to support the physical education curriculum, which is mainly focused on increasing the fitness level of all students and teach them the necessary skills to acquire and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
A further purpose is to provide an opportunity for every student to take part in competitive and non-competitive sports and activities within the framework of educational endeavor.
During the school year the SCCS Athletics Department organizes and offers a variety of programs and sports events for Elementary School. Programs offered are Soccer, Volleyball, and Basketball. Sports events include the USSL Friendly Games, MS Mini Olympics for 5th grade students, Fun Run and the Jaguar Cup for 5th grade students.
ES Band Blurb
Elementary school band
(5th grade)
is a time for instrument introduction, exploration, music discovery and learning, and enjoying the performance of music! In 5th grade, all students are part of the band program as their music class.
We learn the instrument care and maintenance, basic techniques, music literacy, and how to play together as an ensemble. 5th grade band is all about introducing the performance of music on instruments on a larger scale than in their previous music classes. The 5th grade band performs in December, March, and May!
ES Art
Elementary Art
Students at Sccs will learn to work with various tools, processes and media. They learn to make choices that enhance the communication of their ideas. Our Goal is to make our students Develop confidence and experience joy through creative expression. We encourage students to make critical judgments as they develop aesthetic perception by interacting with works of art and becoming knowledgeable about history and world culture.
ES. P.E.
Elementary P.E
Students at SCCS start physical education in Kindergarten. This subject focuses on developing physical fitness, knowledge of movement, and safety. Our goal is that students get to develop different skills to participate in a wide range of activities such as volleyball, soccer, and basketball. Students get engaged and learn the ability to perform and enjoy day-to-day activities.
ES music
Music is an important aspect
of providing children with a well-rounded education. Music benefits the ability to learn new vocabulary, to work together and to show their best individually.
When playing instruments, they have the opportunity to grow motor skills, to coordinate eye-hand movements and to work as a group. They develop disciplined habits of study and they learn how to read the sheet music and follow the conductor. In addition, music is an excellent tool with which to express emotions, to form relationships and to develop relationships with greater depth and understanding. For these reasons music education plays an important role in SCSS.